Mrs. Carnell | Teen Ink

Mrs. Carnell

February 15, 2023
By AHSAbby GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
AHSAbby GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Writing is not my favorite thing but, Composition with Mrs. Carnell my junior year changed my mind about writing. Insted of having to write about books or something for class, composition gave me a chance to write about what I wanted to write.

On the first day of class I sat by none of my friends. Mrs. Carnell had us write and share with the people next to us. Grace and Bode sat next to me, and we shared. Throughout the semester I got to know them more personally, knowing what they do for fun, what the meaning of their name is, and so much more. I shared personal stories about my life and they shared personal stories about their life. The life lesson I got from them was that their life is completely different from my life and even though you think their life is perfect or whatever it isn’t.

In her class we got to write about so many things. We wrote about people who show gratitude to us everyday. We talked about events that shaped our life, the people that shaped our lives and interviewing them. I learned so many life lessons in that class I cannot even begin to start. It truly helped me love to write. Writing about yourself is completely different then writing about something for a school project. Unsted of research you need to think about your life and the memories that make you who you are.

Mrs. Carnell is a mentor in and outside of class. One day, after physics class I was crying in the hallway because of a test. Mrs. Carnell saw me and didn’t just walk past me, she came up and talked to me. That day she changed my mindset on her, she showed me that her compassion goes beyond the classroom. She cared enough to stop and talk to someone alone crying in the hallway. Even if I didn’t want to be talked to, she knew I needed someone to talk to, and she talked to me like a real person. I cannot thank her enough for that, in the instant I was having the worst day and she made it better, creating a memory I will never forget.

Mrs. Carnell is many things: a phenomenal teacher, a caring mother, someone to talk to if you are having a good or bad day. She is one of the most kindhearted human beings. She is someone who is like a mother to me without actually being my mother. Someone who takes the time to get to know her students. I continue to talk to whenever I see her and it always makes my day better seeing her smile. Mrs. Carnell’s class changed my perspective on the people around me, realizing that everyone has a story to tell, you just have to listen to it.

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