Jeff Modrow | Teen Ink

Jeff Modrow

February 14, 2023
By 3mclaughlin BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3mclaughlin BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Jeff Modrow

By: Brooke McLaughlin, Grade 12 


“Just have fun,” Coach Jeff said before I started my tennis match. Coach knew the importance of developing an authentic love for the game beyond just competing and winning. 

How would I describe a good tennis coach? I would describe Jeff. He evaluates a player's game to determine their strengths and weaknesses on the court and then works with them to fine tune their techniques. More importantly, he helps his students try to reach their highest potential through patience, strategy, and humor. His precise but casual coaching style has allowed me to really relax and truly enjoy the game. Jeff has taught me that serving others off the court is perhaps the most important victory of all. 

But Jeff is not only a tennis coach, he is a friend. Jeff has known me for seven years and treats me like one of his daughters. He is someone I can always count on from the relationship we have built because he believed in me since day one. He has helped me truly love the game of tennis and has pushed me to my highest potential on and off the court. Because of him, I served as the Team Captain of my Arrowhead High School Tennis Team and played four undefeated seasons. 

Even with my winning record, he has helped me realize that not every game is going to be perfect; just like every day isn’t going to be perfect. Jeff never yells, he inspires. He inspires me to have fun and teaches me with humor. For example, when I missed a shot, he would always motivate me in a fun (and very loud) way by telling me to “MOVE.” His funny but stern voice encouraged me to MOVE my feet and of course, get to the ball more quickly. I always smile every time I hear Jeff ‘s voice in my head telling me to MOVE. 

And continually comes back to his mantra: “Just have fun.”

His work ethic, devotion, and humor have taught me a different perspective on tennis…and in life. Jeff has taught me there's always going to be other games, and if things go wrong, I can improve, laugh at myself and “MOVE” on. 

Four years ago, Jeff offered me the opportunity to coach PeeWee Tennis Lessons with him at the Wisconsin Athletic Club. As an instructor, I am inspired to provide the same encouragement and inspiration to my students that Jeff provided me. Jeff helped me discover that my love for the game goes beyond championships and trophies. I learned that the sweetest victory of all comes not in my final match point, but in my actions to help serve others. 

What makes me feel the most proud is knowing that I wasn’t Jeff’s first player, and I won’t be his last. I will not be the last of his players' lives that has impacted to help them improve. Jeff's influence goes way beyond the court not only as a tennis coach, but a friend. 

“Just have fun”

The author's comments:

Jeff has been my coach for 7 years now he is an amazing coach and a friend. 

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