Mrs. Weber | Teen Ink

Mrs. Weber

March 10, 2020
By MTKing BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
MTKing BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was nervous about the next few years. It was the last week of fifth grade and I didn’t know if I was ready for Stone Bank School. For me, the most challenging part was changing and having organizational skills. I was not ready for sixth grade and with ADHD it was like a hurricane brewing. How was I going to be able to survive different classrooms?  Most times I felt like I was never there. 

As sixth grade started my fears became a reality.  All of my classes were challenging and the content was difficult.  Science and math were difficult enough and then I started Spanish! I dreaded my sixth-grade year until I entered into my social studies class. Listening to my social studies teacher, my mind opened. 

Mrs. Weber’s style of teaching was like a new song. She taught with excitement, allowing students to become themselves and to take risks.  She made my life change in the class and made things feel better.

I wish I could take Mrs. Weber’s energy and be excited in all of my classes and sports. She changed the way I perform when I take tests and she made learning more fun. 

 When I get a job, Mrs. Weber will inspire me to keep the same excitement she always had and this helps me stay motivated. 

Mrs. Weber has one child and another one that is on the way soon.  I like when she talked about her children. She made it exciting and was willing to help anyone from social studies. She always had a smile on her face. I want you to know you inspired me to be a happy person and to work hard each day.  

Mrs. Weber, it felt like I was in the eye of the hurricane when I entered your but class, I immediately felt calm, as I was entering into a new world when I stepped into your classroom. I never felt different as this class started and I’m happy for everything you did for me and to make me have a smile on my face. 

I recognize you as the best teacher I had in middle school. I want you to win teacher of the year because of all the excitement, smiles she sends to other people, and everything you do for everyone. I want to keep the excitement for the rest of your life and be kind to everyone.

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