Mrs. Dahlman | Teen Ink

Mrs. Dahlman

March 9, 2020
By 1maurer BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
1maurer BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
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Sooner or later whether you want to believe it, every student develops one relationship with a teacher that is like no other. Someone who pushes them to be the best version of themselves. To find something like this is hard and quite honestly I didn't realize I had found it until looking back on my freshman and sophomore years at Arrowhead High School.

Mrs. Dahlman was the mother of a friend of my brother, so I knew of her and she knew of me. Having her with me at South Campus as a freshman felt like a safety net. Mrs. Dahlman is a Librarian at Arrowhead South Campus; she effortlessly made my day better every time I saw her. 

As a freshman I underperformed; I was down on myself but I felt better about myself when I was around her.

She always asked “how are you doing?” “How are your classes going?” “What are you going to do with friends next weekend?” She always wished me “good luck” for games. She was the only teacher to go out of their way to ask about me and how I am. 

I took that for granted at the time. Now looking back, Mrs. Dahlman changed my life for the better, helping me realize how much a conversation with a person and a few comments can change a person’s day and mood.

Mrs. Dahlman is the most accepting, compassionate, inspiring, and trustworthy role model I have ever had. If, at some point in my life, I have the opportunity to be half as loving in my heart as she is I will be grateful. No other person has made me want to work harder. I felt I needed to impress the person who accepted me the most for who I have been since day one and she was, and still is that person for me. She made me want to be a better person and to make others feel the way she so effortlessly made me feel.

Thank you, Mrs. Dahlman, for everything you have done for me. I cherish every moment we had, from every conversation during study hall, to the smiles you gave me in the halls, to learning how to push myself to be better in school and as a human being. 

The way you made me feel helped me to keep my head up and work harder than I ever had before, and quite honestly I don’t think my future would look as bright without you and what you did for me. So, thank you for changing my life like no one before.

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