Mr. Wagner | Teen Ink

Mr. Wagner

March 9, 2020
By Anonymous

I began to worry, it was my seventh grade year at Merton and our class moved to the top of the building with new classrooms and new teachers. For me, it felt like I was on a new planet that nobody had ever seen. My first hour class was with Mr. Wagner, the new Science teacher. I was nervous, because Science was a hard subject for me to follow and understand. 

My first impression of Mr. Wagner was a good one; the first day I asked him what we were going to be learning, and he was an unbelievably patient and understanding. I could tell he was a teacher who cared and wanted me to learn. 

He made me feel comfortable asking questions. He helped me become a better student and person by being a hands on teacher and bringing his inspiring, supportive, and helpful personality to class everyday.

Coming into Mr. Wagner's class I wasn't confident — Mr. Wagner helped me build confidence through the units we learned about, including Bohr models and learning about the elements. What we learned went far behind just Science; he taught me and many others how to be kind to each other and to have a good mindset.

I loved how Mr. Wagner opened his classes by playing a record. I remember the first song he played was Rusty Hammer by Xiavver Rudd. The music he played had a purpose and meant something more than just a song. But what I liked the most about him was his down to earth personality; he was supportive and thoughtful.

My favorite lab that we did in class was the egg dropping lab, where we had a fixed amount of material to use and we had to spend a certain amount of “money” to make the holder of the egg. This taught me how to solve and work as a team to overcome obstacles are group faced. I feel as if the labs we did were more than just an experiment, and more of him teaching us life skills and life lessons.

I don’t think I ever told him, but I appreciated him so much in seventh grade, and still do today. He taught me things I use outside of school. He taught me how to work-hard and be confident in myself at school, and made me a better person.

Mr. Wagner is the most kind, inspiring, caring teacher I have ever met. He made me feel like I was a genius when I felt like I was unintelligent. Thank you Mr. Wagner, for helping me become a better person and making an impact on my life.

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