Mr. Bisbee | Teen Ink

Mr. Bisbee

March 9, 2020
By Lampshades BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Lampshades BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Teaching is hard. Teaching creatively is even harder. Teaching in an engaging way is arguably the hardest. Throughout my high school career I can only think of one teacher that taught in an engaging AND creative way; Mr. Bisbee. 

Going into freshman year at Arrowhead High School, I was worried about my new classes. Everything was going smoothly on my first day, but then I entered my science class. My first time walking into the room I was alarmed by the plethora of animals. Multiple snakes and a tortoise made me feel like I was in some kind of tropical forest. Then, I was greeted by a well dressed man in an incredibly colorful tie. Mr. Bisbee. No one spoke except for Mr. Bisbee who proceeded to address every student by Mr. and Ms. and point to their seats. 

My freshman year science class was the most challenging class I had that year, and I despised it. The labs we did involved hard work and careful reading, things that a young freshman would hate. But going into sophomore year, I realized something about Mr. Bisbee. He is someone who is passionate about what he teaches.

 He deeply understands everything he teaches students, and because he so deeply understands it, he is able to teach in creative and intriguing ways. Everyday of my sophomore year I looked forward to going to that biology class. 

 Some days he would have us read dialogues by Bing and Bong (if i remembered those names correctly) where we would have to act out the characters talking about different science and biology related topics. One day class was going as it usually was, until Mr. Bisbee taught us the mitosis dance. It was a dance we would do with our hands that went through the different stages of mitosis. I made sure to look around the class on the day we had our quiz on Mitosis and low and behold at least half the class was doing the mitosis dance to help them remember.

Going into high school, I had never liked learning. His classes taught me that learning can actually be fun. If Mr. Bisbee was never my teacher, I’m not sure if I would’ve ever gotten to senior year. I hope new students that he has can see what I see in him; a man who can truly teach.

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