Mrs. Passler | Teen Ink

Mrs. Passler

March 9, 2020
By Bozzlebee BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
Bozzlebee BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The day to day cycle of school can get monotonous, affecting both teacher and student moods. It is often hard to keep a positive attitude and it can become a conveyor belt teaching style, repeating the same lectures over and over again but to different students. When thinking about this, one teacher comes to mind in who not only keeps a positive attitude about her but also helps students to keep a positive outlook whilst involving her students in fun and engaging ways throughout the lesson. This teacher that comes to mind is none other than the fabulous Mrs. Passler!

I have had the opportunity to be in Mrs. Passler’s class two times: American Literature in junior year and British Literature in senior year of high school. Both classes have been incredibly enjoyable experiences, completely changing my outlook on how fun gaining new information and reading can be.

By far my favorite unit with Mrs. Passler has to be when we went over romanticism and what it means to be a romantic. Although those words are often associated with love and passionate feelings about another, they can also mean who you are as a person and what you value in life. We looked at Realism versus Romanticism and how different people see nature and spend their time. Mrs. Passler seemed so interested in this topic and teaching us about it it really helped break that barrier between teacher and student and made it feel like it was just a friend telling me about an incredibly intriguing idea. This helped spark my deep love for nature and I have Mrs. Passler to thank for that.

Her teaching style helped make it immensely interesting to learn in Mr.s Passler’s class. During the romanticism unit, we went over a deeply moving story about Chris McCandless (a college student who left everything he had behind and became a hitchhiker to travel the country solely on his love for nature and his interest in the idea of self-reliance seeking to experience in its rawest and purest form.) Whilst going over this story we went over a self-reliance/philosophy unit which I still keep the packets for to this day and look at them from time to time.

Mrs. Passler brings amazing energy into class every single day, helping everyone to smile around her putting aside their worries of the day. 

On behalf of all of your students, you truly helped and impacted every single one of us in a positive way. Thank you from the bottom of my heart; you are amazing!

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