Frau Schüth | Teen Ink

Frau Schüth

March 9, 2020
By gack_janos BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
gack_janos BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Frau Schüth 


My freshman year I took a gamble, choosing German rather than the more popular Spanish. I was an open-enrolled student at Arrowhead, and I only knew about five people coming into that year. However little did I know, the people sitting next to me, and the teacher in front of the room, would still be with me two years later. 

The first day of German 1 was overwhelming. Frau (Mrs.) Schüth stood in front of the class (of mostly freshmen), and she spoke fluent German, barely taking a break. I was dumbfounded. Frau Schüth could see this in everyone that day, but she knew the passion she shared with us would lead to success.

I now see the persistence and dedication she kept, committed to phrases like “Kein English” and “Sprechen Deutsch”, which led to us not only learning how to use the language, but how to appreciate the German culture. Frau Schüth’s energetic lectures and lessons doubled the amount of German language that I was able to absorb that year and it kept me coming back for the next two.

Now I have Frau Schüth in German 3 and it is the highlight of my day. Her engaging lessons make it easy to learn; the vocabulary games foster grammatical competition within the classroom; the different songs help us remember what articles to use; and the rewards of “Fests” when the class can manage ten days without speaking English. The room is like a desert oasis away from the boring lectures of other classes and I attribute that to Frau Schüth. 

Through her teaching and guidance, not only has my knowledge of German grown, but also my desire to put it to use someday. In college, I want to continue learning German—possibly even Minor in it. 

Thank you, Frau Schüth. Thank you for sharing your passion with me and the other German students. Your enthusiasm and unwavering dedication to the education of both the German language and culture is inspiring and I hope to have a passion of my own that could compare someday. The gratitude, that not only I, but all of the German students you teach, have for you, is immense and well-deserved.  

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