Mr. Greg Bisbee | Teen Ink

Mr. Greg Bisbee

March 9, 2020
By Soccer1772 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Soccer1772 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
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On my first day of Biology, sophomore year, at Arrowhead Highschool, I walked into Mr. Bisbee’s room to see aquariums. Immediately I was intrigued and looking forward to the class, which only got more and more interesting as the semester went on. 

Mr. Bisbee made class entertaining. One day I came to class and saw hay bales and a chicken in the classroom. Mr. Bisbee said, “Hey who is ready to learn the chicken dance!” This wasn’t all just for fun, it was to make remember a certain topic. I will never forget when he stated in a whisper “Oh there is a Rebop under the desk” as he dove on the ground crashing into chairs to catch the Rebop. A Rebop was a fake creature he used to teach us about genetics and heredity. 

Biology was a memorable class and it led me to take Landscape Ecology my junior year. In this class I learned about ecosystems and the relationships between different species. Having Landscape Ecology everyday first period made starting each day easier. I looked forward to this class to participate in interactive class activities and listen to Mr. Bisbee curse people with large lawns or outdoor cats for their impact on the environment. 

Mr. Bisbee was knowledgeable and passionate about what he was teaching and applied almost everything to his own life, instead of just stating facts and going through the material. This made class much more enjoyable to hear how he included the things we learned to his own yard. He left brush piles in his yard for the rabbits and other animals to live in and let most of his yard be a prairie instead of a yard of just grass. 

Mr. Bisbee inspired me to strive for a major in Integrated Science and Business at Whitewater this coming year. 

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