Mrs. Koch | Teen Ink

Mrs. Koch

March 9, 2020
By reinka BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
reinka BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Junior year at Arrowhead High School was not so kind to me. I took difficult classes, most of which I struggled in. I was drowning in a crashing wave of homework, quizzes and tests. I was lost at sea trying to find my way back to land - hopeless, stressed and fighting to survive. However, there was one person in particular that expressed a lot of kindness towards me. A person who will always be close to my heart.

Mrs. Koch was my 11th grade Chemistry teacher - a blessing. Her presence promotes a welcoming atmosphere, and her eyes shine warm heartedly - the way a mother looks at her child. Her smile is bright and affectionate, and her voice is gentle like a feather. She is as selfless as could be, and in my eyes, she is a saint.

Mrs. Koch is a brilliant educator. During class she is devoted to teaching students about Chemistry. She shows enthusiasm about her lessons and keeps things amusing by including students into her practice problems, receiving lots of laughs. She is very mindful to student’s needs and courteous while answering questions. She always has a smile on her face (even when you can tell she’s having a bad day), which seems simple, but goes a long way. 

Mrs. Koch is there for her students. She’s sociable and her eyes light up seeing old students as well as new ones. She beams vibrantly while conversing, and you can tell she treasures the bond that connects them. She doesn’t question students nor does she pry, rather she is understanding of the situations someone may be going through and negotiates a time when they can make up work. She shows so much patience towards everyone, even some students who I find I would have a hard time forgiving. No matter who she helps, Mrs. Koch shows so much support and optimism about helping. She is a very lovable teacher, and liked by many. 

I could walk into her classroom and see her in a white lab coat at the black tables in the back. Sometimes I would see her sitting at her desk diligently helping students, and other times I would see her bringing equipment out from the storage room. No matter where she was, she always had a bright smile on her face, greeting me as I entered. 

I struggled a lot in Chemistry and was’t grasping the content. I would stress in class and her energetic ability to be engaged in the topic made the class much easier. Mrs. Koch made sure she was available to help, whether that was before school or even during lunch. I really appreciate all the time she gave to me during her free hours to help me understand my homework and go over my previous tests. She is so accommodating and never gave up on me.

I went into Mrs. Koch’s classroom often, almost every 10th hour during Junior year. I didn’t go in for Chemistry help all the time, but regularly stayed to do homework. Many times we would talk about what was happening in each other's lives, and Mrs. Koch was always compassionate and caring, ready to listen. Other times we would work in silence, a comfortable silence, and I was content with that. But after every hour when the bell would signal the ending of the school day, we would each exchange goodbyes with a smile on each of our faces. 

She taught me that working hard pays off, and that it’s okay to ask a lot of questions.

She taught me how to be a better person in life, even if she didn’t know it.

She showed me what it’s like to have a close relationship with a teacher, and I will be forever grateful for her.

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