Mrs. Bubolz | Teen Ink

Mrs. Bubolz

November 18, 2019
By jimmerfredette SILVER, Lisbon, Wisconsin
jimmerfredette SILVER, Lisbon, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Fourth grade, improving my cursive writing, advancing to more difficult math problems, learning 50 states and capitals, and for me, set the basis on how to live my life. Thanks to Mrs. Bubolz, my fourth grade teacher at Richmond Elementary, I learned tools to help me continue to be successful.

Mrs. Bubolz was a mother figure. She nurtured me and taught me how to live. She helped me with dreaded story problems. She helped me by using the substitution trick of borrowing from your neighbor. She gave real life examples with apples and oranges that made these impossible math problems possible. On tests, if I struggled, she was more than ready to help out. Her tricks seem so simple, but helped me in math classes. She also helped me in life, solving problems outside of school.

One of my favorite memories was of Junior Achievement, a non-profit organization that teaches financial literacy. Our class could gain money throughout the year for doing tasks or our homework. At the end of the year, we had an auction where we could buy what classmates brought in. I remember I had the most money in the class, too much for myself. Mrs. Bubolz gave me the idea to buy things for my sister, my parents, or my friends. I listened and am grateful for that; it might’ve been a small gesture, but it taught me to be giving to others and to be selfless.

Another thing I learned in fourth grade was my states and capitals. I spent the year learning them. As hard as it was, Mrs. Bubolz helped me to enjoy it. After we learned them, we had a test. If we passed it we could do the state project. The state project was where we got to pick a state and make a trifold board presentation about it. I got assigned Pennsylvania. We also learned the state song. I still remember standing on the stage in front of our parents in the cafeteria, dressed like a pilgrim singing the song with my classmates, “Al-a-bama, Al-aska, Ari-zona…” She made learning geography bearable; in fact, I enjoyed learning the capitals. I still enjoy geography to this day and learned all 200 country flags, and many of the capitals thanks to her.

Thank you, Mrs. Bubolz, for not only providing me with the tools to be successful, but also for guiding my life in a positive direction.

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