My Truly Friend | Teen Ink

My Truly Friend

April 15, 2009
By Anonymous

My Best Friend

Whenever I hear anyone talking his or her best friend,I always think of Aslinda.I first met her in primary school.It was my first day of school and I was being upset.My dad took me into class and told me where to sit.He gave me some last minutes instruction and then told me he would pick me after school.As I saw him walking away,I felt alone.Tears started gathering in my eyes and rolled down my cheeks.

Don’t cry! I’ll be your friend!!!.uttered a soft voice beside me.It was a pint-sized M alay girl with gentle eyes.She was kind the kindest person I never ever know in school.She loved helping me when I was in trouble.On the other hand,I’m a little bit slower than her.I can’t understood everything the teachers taught.But Aslinda always helping me.She was my truly friend.

The author's comments:
I dedicated this stories for Aslinda Mohammad Tahar.

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