Lost. | Teen Ink


March 2, 2018
By TreasaC BRONZE, Austin, , Texas
TreasaC BRONZE, Austin, , Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you fall, I&#039;ll be there!<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ~Floor

The person I cared about the most; Disappeared into the ongoing void of life. A dark hole that never seems to end. I ask myself how I could have lost the one person who I spilled my life onto. Someone who would listen to me rant about the most unexplainable topics. Someone who would listen to the ring of my voice for hours and never complain once. I lost a gem in a mountain of rocks. A grain of sugar in a pile of salt. I lost the one person who would be there to pick me up off the ground when I fell. Who would carry me even if I was broken. Someone who would reassure me; Tell me everything would be ok when the world around us was spinning with hate. His voice was sweeter than honey, calmer that a cup of water sitting in the sun. His personality lifted others up even when the world brought misry.

I am lost in a void of darkness that will swallow me whole.
Darkness will spit me out and leave me in a million pieces that will never be fully put back together. There will always be that missing piece of me that will never be found. A piece that is lost in a VOID of DARKNESS.
I lost the person who I cared about the most.
I can never function the same.
I will never be the same without him.
I am lost.

The author's comments:

This is a short little piece I wrote in to time period of 5 minutes. I was feeling sad, and lost. Lost mentally. I wanted to share why this feeling had come; or why it had pasted through my life at this time in my life.

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