My Life's Compass | Teen Ink

My Life's Compass

December 5, 2017
By Anonymous

My North is God. He is the one person I can always trust and look to for help whenever or wherever I need it. My relationship with God is insanely strong, and I continue to grow in it everyday. God is above everything in my life, and North is the top direction. My top priority in my life is maintaining a strong, anchored faith in God.
My South is definitely my struggle with depression. In the beginning of 2016, I was diagnosed with severe depression. Depression is a big struggle that I deal with on a daily basis, and it brings me down all the time. My depression can cause me to be extremely sad in the middle of a good laugh. It is random and has a strong effect on me. Depression is mt south because it drags me down and makes me feel low.


My East is my goal of wanting to become a famous singer/songwriter. The sun rises in the east, and it marks the beginning of a new day. Each day I try harder and harder to achieve my goal of becoming famous. I post videos on my YouTube channel, and I am constantly telling people to check out my music. Each and every day I work towards reaching my goal in hopes that one day, I will finally reach it.

My West is my grammar school St. Catherine of Siena. The sun sets in the west, marking the end of the day and adding another day to past memories. If I had not attended SCS, I would not be who I am today. St. Catherine of Siena turned me into a bright, intelligent student, and while attending, I realized how passionate I am about music. SCS will be forever in my heart, and I am so lucky that it is a part of my past.

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