My 10 Lab Puppies | Teen Ink

My 10 Lab Puppies

February 26, 2009
By RyanE BRONZE, Anchorage, Alaska
RyanE BRONZE, Anchorage, Alaska
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

2 years ago in May of 2007 , It was Easter day. Our Dog Maggie was pregnant. We were up at our Grandparents house for easter. We had just gotten back from church and my mom was laying down on the couch and Maggie was laying on the couch next to my mom. Then my mom started hearing this yelping sound and she didn't know what it was. My Mom pulled apart the couch where she thought she heard the yelping and she found a tiny black lab puppy that had fallen through the couch. My Mom yelled up to her mom 'Mom,Maggie's having puppies.' I was in the other room and came in saying 'what?????'. We got Maggie into a corner that was covered in towels and blankets. For at least 2-3 hours she was having puppies. I didn't get to see the rest of the puppies get born, because me and the rest of the family, besides my mom and Grandmother went to a movie called meet the Robinsons.

Two or three days later we had to drive back down to Anchorage and we had to take the puppies with us. So we put newspaper and blankets all over our big trunk of the car and had all the puppies and maggie in the trunk laying down. when we got home we had to put the puppies into the whelping pen that my Brother, Couzin and my dad built. the whelping pen is a big square box made from wood. My Mom filled the pen with a yellow fluffy thing that I don't know what was called. It was kind of like hay but softer. Then we put the puppies in the pen most of them went to sleep right after.

There were 10 puppies plus maggie. The puppies were all different colors like yellow chocolate and black. We had 5 black, 3 females 2 males, 3 yellow all males, and 2 chocolate a male,and female.

The hardest part of having the puppies is cleaning their pen because they go to the bathroom all over the pen and we also had to constantly bathe them . We also had to bathe maggie because we had to keep maggie in the pen with the puppies.

3 months later the puppies were big enough to be sold we thought about keeping one but we didn't. One by one family's or couples came to buy the dogs until we had one left we couldn't get rid the last female black lab! My mom found that our friend that we have known since we came to Alaska wanted the dog.

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