The Excitement Within | Teen Ink

The Excitement Within

May 21, 2015
By HeyUMADbruh BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
HeyUMADbruh BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We’re going to California this summer!” yelled my mom. I was really excited to hear that we were going to California this summer. It has been 10 years or so since I’ve seen my cousin Austin. I all of a sudden had this Oh-My-God moment. I jumped, yelled and smiled at the same time. I was filled with joy that it seemed as if the sky turned bright yellow filling me with joy. I can smell the fresh Californian air it’s as fresh as the scent of fresh apples. I pictured in my head, looking into the water in Fisherman’s Wharf. I like to go by the waterside near the Golden Gate bridge. I would reach inside and touch the water. It was as smooth as fresh silk. I could hear the birds chirping and water splashing as kids would throw stones into the water. I pictured vanilla ice cream because of its creamy sweetness. The scenery was so calm; it’s like bright sun flowers all of sudden spawned around me. Take a bite of my feeling and you would taste sugary cake, which would represent the environment of California. If I had to describe all this with a shape, I would say a circle because it’s smooth just like waves at the beach. Sweet tea would represent the cool summer air of California. No need for formal suits and ties, in California all I see are comfortable everyday clothing. My feeling would not be the Mona Lisa. I see bright colors in my feeling not dark paintings. There’s no true word to describe this feeling. I’m just glad I was able to experience it. I turned back to my mom, smiled, and jogged away.

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