Heaven | Teen Ink


November 1, 2014
By Anonymous

The man stands still, no breath flowing or needed, light and energy pulsating through everything around.  There is no need of a sun here; the place is constantly lit by the One who created it.  It never goes dark or dim, and it never grows cold.  

He stands apart from a few others, humming his praise along with everyone else but stopping just to feel peaceful for a moment.  He only vaguely remembers the pain of the issues in his mind, the not knowing the difference between reality and violence and fantasy.  Everything is clear now.  God forgave him for what he did; he hadn't meant to hurt his wife or scare his daughters, and the man had been saved long before the craziness started and long before the man had forced himself to die.  Once saved, always saved.  Even if you get severe mental issues and curse the name of God.  But like I said, the man remembers none of that.  He only remembers the beautiful face of his wife Beth, and the sweet, adoring faces of his three daughters.  Sami, Bela, and Cece.  He knows they probably miss him, but he senses that they're all right with God, and that they'll be here soon.  

He opens his eyes and gazes up at the sky, lit by God.  He can just see it, past the vibrance of the leaves of the trees and the thousands of birds of every color flowing like water through the clouds.  Looking forward, he can see the crystal sea, cool but not cold, waves rolling in and out with no need of gravity.  And then, all of a sudden, another beautiful thing is before him.  She has long auburn hair and hazel eyes, and she doesn't look sick at all.  She's smiling like she hardly ever smiled on Earth.  Without words, he knows that the girls are all secure in their salvation, and just like he's been doing for a long time now, they can be happy with each other and Jesus in this glorious place, and wait for their three daughters while they enjoy their eternity.  

The author's comments:

This is for my parents. I may not have all the details right, but I know this is true: they're in a wonderful place right now.

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