Are They Good Or Bad? | Teen Ink

Are They Good Or Bad?

May 29, 2014
By CasandraWest SILVER, Wentzville, Missouri
CasandraWest SILVER, Wentzville, Missouri
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"imagination is the beginning of creation" -George Bernard Shaw

Are They Good Or Bad?

A child playing on the playground has a argument with one of his best friends, And without even thinking of another option he balls his hand into a fist; striking his friend in the chest. Knowing that he was wrong he continues to act violently until a teacher sees him; and rushes to stop him. Is this how our worlds newest generation will act towards each other in society? Without thinking about their actions, children and young adults deal with their problems with violence before reason. Learning these actions from some of the worlds most famous games, such as; “Grand Theft Auto,” and “Black Ops.” Violent video games have desensitized and influenced young adults, leading them to commit acts of Violence. This is evident in situations in which children and young adults to emulate characters in games and find themselves obligated to commit acts of violence through that role-playing. if such games were removed from society, children would have a chance to learn to control their actions.

Yes, there are people that would argue the possibilities that violent video games can teach children how to better their coordinations. While playing a game children are given tasks with each level before moving to a higher scenario. By completing each level children would learn how to problem solve and analyze the information given to them through the storyline of the game. When children play video games the brain has to engage in high level thinking; skills that aren’t taught in school (“Raise Smart KId”). However, these games involve actions such as shooting, killing, gang violence, and even drug usage. Children may get the impression that it’s OK to do the same thing’s character’s do in the games they play; especially when some game’s don’t include consequences with Violent actions.

Then again there are people that believe video games teach children and young adults how to think quickly about problems they have to face throughout the game. Video games make your kid adapt and be comfortable with the concepts of computing (“Raise Smart Kid”). But there could be consequences that could come with our youth knowing how to react quickly, in the sense that they are not able to determine reason quickly. When a child or young adult play these games the options that are given to them are of violent nature. A child will think it's OK to react to something such as an argument with a friend with violence, because it was a quick train of thought leading to a reaction. In other words, children and young adults are learning to react the violent way before looking at another way such as reason, because this is what violent video games are teaching them.

The bottom line is clear. By taking away violent games from younger people there is a time frame in between, and during that time children are given time to learn how to reason in everyday problems. In a test led by psychologist, Alessandro Gabbiadini, it was proven that children that played violent video games heightened their aggression levels and the want to cheat. It was also found that after playing for 35 minutes children exhibited less self-control, cheating, and behaved more aggressively, than people who played non-violent games ("Violent Video Games and Bad Behavior"). If we want our children to stay out of trouble and be successful later in life, their violent video games need need to be taken away. Children are unable to control their actions, by reacting aggressively towards each other. Furthermore, young people are unable to learn things that they would only learn by interacting with other people around their age (“Playing Violent Video Games”).
Violent video games have desensitized and influenced young adults, leading them to commit acts of Violence. This is evident in situations in which children and young adults to emulate characters in games and find themselves obligated to commit acts of violence through role-playing. If such games were removed from society, children would have a chance to learn to control their actions.

The author's comments:
This would be considered as a argumentative essay to argue both sides that video games are bad for young children. This is to show more of both the positive opinions and the negative opinion of the argument. By giving evidence for both sides the reader is able to determine witch side they are on.

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