reagan | Teen Ink


May 28, 2014
By marieawad BRONZE, Indialantic, Florida
marieawad BRONZE, Indialantic, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Reagan’s timing could not have been more perfect in running for the presidency. During his election there was a heavy population in Southern and Western areas who supported the “Old Right”. Reagan targeted the “common man” and went against big government. Reagan was an actor in his earlier life allowing him to be comfortable and charming with people. After Carter’s presidency, full of inflation and government spending, many Americans liked the idea of a smaller government.

Reagan’s popularity was immediately boosted when the Iranian hostages were released the day he was elected into office. Reagan and his “New Right” used supply side economics to pull the economy out of poverty. His “supply side” policy was nicknamed “Reaganomics”

The new conservative movement reduced government spending and supported less government control in the common man’s life. He supported military spending to beat the Soviets in the arms race. By increasing military spending Reagan knew the soviets wouldn’t be able to keep up and would eventually have to sign a treaty with America. During his presidency he shrank taxes, government spending, and big government.

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