College Drop-Out | Teen Ink

College Drop-Out

March 10, 2014
By dreamiieyex3 SILVER, Mcdonough, Georgia
dreamiieyex3 SILVER, Mcdonough, Georgia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Your still the one that I adore

Why do so many students drop out before finishing or earning a degree? There are many contributing factors to college dropouts, two major studies have shown the main reason students drop out of college.Thirty five percent of students who enter college will drop out during the first year. According to a 2005 issue in The Education Trust, a nonprofit group in Washington , only 63 percent of students who enroll in a four-year university will earn a degree, and it will take them an average of six years to do so. The other 37 percent will either drop out of college before finishing or else flunk out of their programs of study. (USA Today).

Michael Van Adams was a model student in high school-president of his senior class, captain of the varsity tennis team, and a straight-A student. So when he received an academic scholarship to the University of Maine in Orono, nobody was surprised,especially not VanAdams. Having excelled both academically and socially at his small high school in rural New Hampshire, VanAdams expected more of the same in college. Mr. Van Adams did poorly on his first couple of exams and even received a failing grade on his first term paper. Instead of asking his professors or classmates for help, Van Adams began to isolate himself, spending hours alone in his dorm room where he would play videogames or send e-mails to friends back home. To make matters worse, he became homesick during his first weeks of college, longing for his high school friends and sweetheart, who was attending a community college in New Hampshire.
"I did all the wrong things," says VanAdams. "Instead of seeing my first couple of failures as wake-up calls, I became depressed and immediately started passing the blame onto others. I told my parents that the professors were awful and didn't like me; I told my girlfriend that the kids who went there were snobs and no fun at all. Basically, I blamed everyone but myself."
The top eleven reasons for dropping out of college are:
Homesickness and feeling that you don’t fit in. It’s hard adjusting to a new pace and meeting new people, you want to go back to someplace or go to someone familiar.
Educational burnout. Having a ton load of homework put on a person, and having to be finished in a short period of time can wear a person out.
Academic unpreparedness. High school doesn’t really prepare you for the onslaught of work and doesn’t justify
Personal or family issues.
Financial constraints.
Too much fun — but not enough education.
The school isn’t a good academic fit for the student.
Setting sights on the wrong major.
No guidance or mentors.
External demands, particularly within part time or full time employment.
Time to move out.

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