My Paranormal Experience | Teen Ink

My Paranormal Experience

December 11, 2013
By B...U... BRONZE, Hemet, California
B...U... BRONZE, Hemet, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living." - Nelson Mandela

I’ve always had this sort of drag into thinking or wanting to see the paranormal. It all started when I was younger, I was in Las Vegas , Nevada at my cousins Celina house.

Every time I went and I slept at her house I would always feel as if I were being watched or tried to be communicated to. I wasn’t the only one though , my cousins Celina , Frania , and Danny even felt it and seen them. My aunt , being a very religious Catholic , also said she felt whatever it was , presence in the house. She always said , “ As long as you don’t give whatever it is attention , it won’t act up!” Us being a group of kids and teenagers we didn’t really listen. Every now and then we would play this little game with a deck of poker cards. The whole basic reason of the game was being able to communicate to the spirits with yes or no questions. If you drew black it was no and if you drew red it was yes, it was pretty simple. Well we’d always ask if there was a spirit in our presence, the card would always draw yes when we asked. To me it was very astonishing as a kid. As we grew up and I visited , there would be this hallway that was always no matter what dark. One night we decided to sleep in the living room because my cousins room was getting hot but as we walked to the living room we were stopped at the hallway but a sudden strong breath that hit my cousin in the face. We stopped in fear and froze , then we just ran to the living room scared. Once our fear passed we just laid there and just as soon and I was dazing off my cousins dog started circling me and I was confused when all of a sudden she started to bite my right hand! After that I fell asleep and started dreaming about my cousin’s house but in the early 1900s. There was a little boy blonde, blue eyes dressed in old overalls and an old hat , he led me to the spot were I was sleeping and told me ,” This is where I died.” I woke up in terror and woke up my cousins, I explained my dream to them and they called me crazy , that it was just from the movies

Soon enough , I was really into scary houses , into the paranormal. I always tried in persuading my cousins into taking me somewhere haunted. So one time , not that long ago , she took me to a haunted school she used to go to. She had a picture from the last time she had and it was a door with a cat standing there and a transparent janitor standing there staring straight into the camera. Still gives me the chills speaking about it. Once we got there my cousin was too afraid to even step out the car , she said ,” I feel like there’s sercuity in there” , so we just decided to leave but as we were leaving I looked behind the car and all I saw was a top half of a man in a janitor suit and he was transparent. In pure fear I froze and I couldn’t talk I was choking until I tapped my cousin and I said, “ the … janitor … “ . She stepped on the gas and I remained frozen until I said , “ I can’t believe I saw a actual ghost. “
Ever since that experience I’ve been into the paranormal.

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