Untitled | Teen Ink


December 11, 2013
By MaKayla Alexander BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
MaKayla Alexander BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Doctors use gloves, scrubs, and face masks, while I use my backpack, textbooks, and a water bottle. They attend 20 years of school for medicine and I spend three hours on daily homework. I’m preparing myself for an operation.

I arrive to class staring at graphs, whiteboards, and notebooks, as I listen to each teacher nourish our brains. It is painful now, but I remind myself about the future. In the future, classes will interest me and frustration vanish. Those boring subjects with no relevance to the real world disappear. I will endure mountains of books in concern of my major - medicine. I found the medical field intriguing ever since my first trip to the doctor’s office. From their scrubs, to the way they interact with patients, I fell in love.
I’m fascinated by the way a message is sent from the brain to control an entire body. The human body is like a car. There are main parts, like the engine and the wheels which is like the brain or heart, containing parts with specific functions. Neither the human body nor the car, would run without all the pieces. I want to run all the parts of that car, so I gain knowledge so that patients can rely on me with their lives. They trust in me to heal them.
The 10th hour bell rings and I switch from student to athlete. I practice with focus and determination to achieve more. My drive motivates our team to excel. When a teammate misses a serve or pass, I continue to have a positive spirit. Volleyball is a mentally engaging sport, so we encourage each other through the hardest drills and celebrate after a win. In the future, I will work with a team of surgeons. Our patient will feel confident in my team’s performance for the procedure. Both teams have the same focus...same determination...same drive.
My mind wanders through a maze daily. Navigating toward the finish with perseverance, I strive to make that dream a reality. I am preparing myself for an operation.

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