The Best and Worst Meal | Teen Ink

The Best and Worst Meal

May 11, 2011
By Twilightbabe224 BRONZE, North Providence, Rhode Island
Twilightbabe224 BRONZE, North Providence, Rhode Island
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Had I but served my God with half the zeal I served my King, He would not in mine age have left me naked to mine enemies.<br /> William Shakespeare

The worst meal I ever had was breaded scallops and it was the worst thing I have ever had in my whole 17 years of living I never ate seafood again when ever I even smelled seafood I literally gagged. I had never liked seafood but of course I didn’t have a choice it’s not like I had a lot of choice’s like we have here and I couldn’t refuse dinner because that was the only time we would be able to eat. When I was little I always had a snack whenever I came home my aunt was there waiting for me instead of my mom.

The best meal I ever had was my adoptive mom’s chicken shepherd’s pie. I always begged her to make it for dinner but she said no every time she told me I was my special birthday dinner everyone in my family had a special birthday dinner. In the chicken shepherds pie she put chicken instead of ground beef the she put stuffing on top of the chicken. Last but not least she put the chicken and stuffing she put mashed potatoes I never had anything that would ever be better than a nice and hot dinner made with a lot of love from your mom.

The author's comments:
This piece is something that i will always remember writting.

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