Glitter Beats | Teen Ink

Glitter Beats

April 2, 2008
By Anonymous

Sweat dripped slowly from every pore. Breathing increased with each movement I threw my body into. Small breathes in between each pass. I race to another position and tumble from there. My fellow cheerleaders are running the same way. Music booms from the speakers. The light blinds the glitter sprinkled over the girl’s eyelashes. The strong smell of hairspray stings my nostrils.

The music lights the spark of the girls. Each of us move in unison and slowly branch out to different flips and stunts. Girl’s flip passed me as the adrenaline builds. Finally its mine, I flip my body in unison to the music hitting every count on the beat. my long crunched legs gracefully pull away from my body. As I stand, I catch a glimpse of the nearest flyer who pulls up for the highest point till she released her body into a perfect around the world.

The music stops. Voices of thirty cheerleaders boom out a forceful cheer. Motions fly into different points. Each of us flips and tosses each to another. Each becomes louder than the other. Yelling of one title, to represent the school. The clamps become more drastic than the one before. The voice controlling chaos comes slowly to an end in too more pulsing music.

With each beat comes a new movement to another. Girls show wild expressions through their dance. The small flyer slices the air again. This time will a more elaborate trick. The dance transitions to the quick pace of more stunts. Girls fly through the air pausing for a few moments then transition to a new position. The last few words boom through our bodies and we hit for the final pose.

Everything went silent. We started with great smiles. Sweat now beads over our foreheads. Finally, the screams of excitement come. Parents yell in excitement for their kids. We drop from our final position and jump for joy. We can breathe again.

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