Freedom, Existence of My Life | Teen Ink

Freedom, Existence of My Life

December 12, 2007
By Anonymous

Freedom - existence of my life
As a young lad
My Grandpa said
"My son watch the goats."
The ringing key of freedom
My voice - the voice of a Shepherd
I leap from rock to rock
Until I reach the top
Where I shout at rambling wolves
And throw rocks at slithering snakes
Joy fills my eyes
With rising sun
Wind sings a song of peace
Chirping birds, delights my heart
Drip! The tears drop
Spring! The sun ascends
Bark! I heam my dog
Shout! He hears my voice
Herkening to my cry
His happy body wags for me
The goats nibble the green grasses
In a flowering meadow
My dog lies down beside me
Freedom - existence of my life.

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