I Love Someone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Teen Ink

I Love Someone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 24, 2008
By Anonymous

I Love


Every time I walked in the hallway I saw someone I like. He is in 8th grade just like me but suddenly the next day I saw him walked in the hallway with a girl I got so jealous and mad. I know that every time I see him I started to blush and he looks back at me blush back too. I felt that he was never going to be mine because he had a girlfriend are ready.
Sometimes I wish that I never ever fell in love with him. I thought that I could never take him out of my heart but I never ever could I just wish that he could be mine forever. I will never ever fall in love again because I don’t want that to happen to me again, I will love him for ever also I will never for get him he will always be in my heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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This article has 1 comment.

Brittany. GOLD said...
on Apr. 24 2009 at 3:32 am
Brittany. GOLD, Phoenix, Arizona
18 articles 6 photos 10 comments
Wow, reminded me of when i was in middle school a year ago. I had the same problem. I loved this boy for the longest time. He is now my boyfriend. But i dont think you should give up. If i would have given up when i saw them two together i woulndt of been as happy and i know heartbreak hurts alot. Trust me, nothing hurts more than the 1st time. But that made me realize something. Ive never felt that way with anyone, and when my heart got broken i saw that i really did have true love for him, or else it wouldnt of hurt so much. I didnt give up on what i wanted, I kept striving for him. Even through the struggles, i made it.

So, best of luck for you. =)