Homework | Teen Ink


March 3, 2010
By Hamblen BRONZE, Grand Junction, Colorado
Hamblen BRONZE, Grand Junction, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

High school loads
High school is one of the most important aspects and greatest experiences of our lives. Although there are a lot of good things that happen in high school there are a lot of things that make it hard. In my opinion one of the hardest things about high school is the loads of homework. Everyday teachers pile us with homework and I personally hate homework.
In high school we all have our challenges such as all the drama that goes on. Homework just causes more stress from all that drama that goes on. Especially since most high school kids have jobs it’s hard to find the time to do homework and get the work done. Since most kids have a job in high school when they get home there usually really tired and don’t want to spend time doing homework. When you get home from work you usually want to relax and not do homework.
The reason I decided that homework was the hardest thing about high school is mainly I never seem to have the time. Homework just puts a lot of stress on me and never really has the time. And when I do have time I usually do a terrible job on it. With all the drama that goes on in my life I don’t really have the time to do it. That’s why I think homework is the hardest thing about high school.

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