How to Survive High School | Teen Ink

How to Survive High School

May 31, 2024
By 4merrick GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
4merrick GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

High school…

The infamous four years of high school. High school is an interesting time of everyone’s life. It can be hard for some people and easier for others. It can be like riding a bike, once you know how to do it, it is easy.  Going to high school can also be a scary experience at first because Arrowhead is such a big school–at least a million kids go there. You won’t know 70 percent of the kids in your grade and will have to adapt to a new building with different standards. One of the hardest things you have to adjust to is the amount of work you will have to do compared to middle school.  But there are three simple tips I would give someone as they start their hardest part of high school–freshman year. 

My first tip is to try your hardest freshman year on your schoolwork. A great way to be motivated for this is to think about what colleges you want to go to and the requirements for those colleges.  Many seniors who were applying to colleges regret not trying as hard as they could their freshman year because their grades from freshman year are now weighing down their GPAs tremendously. 

Another tip I would give is to make friends with everyone you can during your freshman year and be a respectable person. This will help you later in high school and especially later in life. Everyone will have their friend groups but you never know who will be in your classes in the future. Classes are much more enjoyable when you know people in your classes because it will be easier to find people to talk to, work with, and relate to in class. So being friendly with everyone is an easy way to make your classes more bearable. 

The last tip is to try out for a sport or join a club. Doing either of these activities is an easy way to meet new people and they can be a lot of fun even if you're a novice at the activity. One club I recommend is Best Buddies because it is fun and usually a lot of students are in it. From my high school experience playing a sport has helped me make many new friends. Also, I have had many memorable experiences with my teammates that have helped me become a better person. 

High school is just a small chapter in your life, but it will help you get an idea of who you are and what kind of person you want to be. High school is tough for everyone but by using these three tips your high school experience will be a lot more pleasant. 

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