No Body Is Nobody , Please Stopping Body Shaming | Teen Ink

No Body Is Nobody , Please Stopping Body Shaming

March 16, 2024
By luxinyue77 BRONZE, Guangzhou, Other
luxinyue77 BRONZE, Guangzhou, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

For a long time, "thin, slim body" has become the mainstream aesthetic of contemporary times. Most influencers on social media who have more than 10,000 followers and popular video views meet this aesthetic standard. Not only that, they usually wear "tight, revealing and short" clothes, and are chased by many fans to buy the same style. In such a social media filled with perfect figures, an atmosphere of women's recognition and pursuit of slim figures has been created, causing many women to pursue more extreme body standards. Even though some people say that this is women's pursuit of beauty and their pursuit of their ideal image, as the male gaze becomes more and more unbridled and continues to objectify women, more and more girls are not confident because they are not thin enough and their waist is not thin enough. Girls, thereby force themselves to lose weight in unhealthy ways to achieve the deformed aesthetic of being thinner and more beautiful, which has led to more and more serious body anxiety among contemporary women.


Brandy Melville, a girls' clothing brand that quickly became popular for its "one size fits most". To put it simply, no matter whether it is a top or a summer dress, this brand only has size S. Perhaps many people will question how such a demanding size can be sought after by thousands of girls. However, the reality is that in order to wear Brandy Melville clothes, girls must tighten their stomachs and fight against their measurements of chest, waist, and hips. Because being able to wear BM clothes means beauty, thinness, and youth, they have a sense of superiority, recognition of their body shape, and one of the ways for them to gain confidence, so more and more girls are willing to fall into this trap. This reflects the body anxiety caused by the brand's marketing on women's bodies through social media, and how women can overcome anxiety and rediscover their definition of "beauty" in today's society where the male gaze is severe.


At first, Brandy Melville only sold clothes in small sizes just to reduce the cost of making fabrics. Surprisingly, the “one size” marketing strategy was a huge success. According to data found online, bm's annual revenue in 2015 was US$125 million, and last year, its annual revenue and turnover reached US$3.22, fully doubled. Of course, this is due to the fact that bm is a brand that is good at using social media for marketing. First, a large number of celebrities posted photos of themselves wearing bm clothes on social media. In this way, the way celebrities bring goods has brought more and more exposure to the bm brand, and many fans are searching for the same style online. In addition, all the employees in the store are teenage girls, with an average height of over 170cm and a weight of less than 50kg. Such tall and thin figures tend to have better visual effects to attract customers. Compared with the distance between celebrities, the products brought by these employees who are similar in age and have similar experiences can capture the hearts of young girls and make them purchase. These shop staff seem to be telling consumers that BM girls' figures are standard. As long as you can fit into BM clothes, your figure will be recognized. Therefore, S size women's clothing does not dissuade girls from wearing M or L sizes. On the contrary, in this case, girls who are already thin will post it on social media to show off after wearing it, winning more people to follow suit. Girls who cannot wear it can only struggle with their weight until they can wear it. In this way, Brandy Melville has become the most popular brand for girls by using the ‘S size’.


However, with the popularity of BM small size women's clothing, women's body anxiety problem has become more and more serious. In life, women are easily forced to accept the pressure of countless perfect figures on social media, and their figures are criticized countless times by people around them. What is even more exaggerated is that the BM girl figure comparison table is popular on the Internet. The height of 168cm can only be 49kg. And the subtext behind it is: If you don’t have a thin waist, long legs, and a size S figure... then you are “not good enough.” Girls are like commodities, and people look at women's bodies and secretly objectify women. They are forced to compare and pursue a perfect image, and gradually become anxious about their bodies. Many girls do unbelievable things to fit into these tiny sizes of women's clothing. Some people start dieting in order to lose weight in a short period of time, which leads to a lack of vitamins and various physical diseases. Some people even buy some weight loss pills and vomiting pills with unknown ingredients online, which are excreted after eating and cannot be absorbed by the body. What's even more outrageous is that some medical beauty institutions take advantage of women's body anxiety. They hype up girls to undergo liposuction and slimming programs. In the end, they are left with many sequelae and regret.


In a society that has strict requirements on women's bodies and severe male gaze angles, women can easily become body anxious due to the surrounding atmosphere and social media. How many girls talk about resisting society's body anxiety for women, but feel certain and confident when they wear BM clothes. It is difficult for them to completely avoid being affected by such a trend, but more importantly, every girl should know that the definition of beauty is diverse. It is not just slender and thin, with bulging front and back... black skin, wearing large-size clothes, plump Girls can also be affirmed and praised. Women's bodies should not be limited by so-called standard numbers and stereotypes. Any body should be accepted, and they can confidently show it to the outside world. Women should not be restricted by clothing. Girls who cannot wear small-size women's clothing does not mean that they are not beautiful. They can try neutral and loose styles to find their own style instead of blindly forcing themselves to pursue unreasonable aesthetic labels in society. Therefore, I hope that all girls will not be troubled by any body anxiety. "No Body Is Nobody", every girl is a beautiful individual. There is never any standard that can limit a girl’s definition of beauty, because ourselves are a kind of beauty.

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