Sweet Chili Sauce | Teen Ink

Sweet Chili Sauce

May 31, 2023
By Kneigum SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Kneigum SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We got to the Domes, walked off the bus. We waited in line to be randomly breathalyzed. I picked a clear gem so I had to blow into the breathalyzer. I did that and then we walked inside and sat at our table, table 47. We talked and then were dismissed for the buffet. 

I had been thinking about this food all day. I’ve had the chinese buffet on my mind since I found out they were serving it at prom. My mouth was watering just by thinking about all the tasty food I was about to enjoy.

We waited in the potato line first and then grabbed drinks. The potato bar consisted of mashed potatoes, cheese, broccoli, and bacon. There was also sour cream to add on top. There was a drink bar in the corner. I grabbed a glass of water, we brought everything back to our spots and then we went back up for more food. Potatoes aren’t really my thing so I was ecstatic when I saw the chinese bar.

I had white rice and chicken with vegetables. I had an egg roll and put red sweet chili sauce on top of everything. The sweet chili sauce added the perfect amount of sweet and savory on everything. I also went to the steak station. I had a tenderloin steak on a pretzel roll with fruit on the side. I had a whole plate dedicated to fruit; pineapple, watermelon, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and cantaloupe were all tossed onto the plate. We sat back down and began to eat everything. 

There was sadly no butter for the pretzel roll so it was a little dry but the fruit definitely made up for it. The fruit was so juicy and sweet with the perfect amount of sour in the berries. 

Lastly, we went to the pasta station. I had this amazing cheese penne pasta with salad and bread. The pasta smelled amazing, the noodles were ravioli shaped and filled with cheese and a red tomato sauce. I could eat it every day for the rest of my life. The salad was made from purple and green leaves, it had a sweet balsamic vinaigrette with chopped carrots and craisins.

I stuffed myself with everything and thought about going back up for seconds but I needed to save room for dessert.  Everyone finished eating and then went to walk around the domes and take pictures. Surprisingly I could still fit into my dress, the food hadn’t given me a food baby yet.

We came back from the domes, the sun had set and the DJ was playing music. We all began to dance and bounce around and get loud. I was still waiting for the dessert bar. We all continued to dance and I then saw the dessert start to be brought out.

I ran over to the table, I snagged a plate and put a chocolate cupcake, strawberry cheesecake bar, and 7 layer bar onto my plate and sat down. I tried everything but the sweet chocolate cupcake with vanilla frosting was by far my favorite. The other 2 bars were too crumbly for me, I definitely preferred the moist rich chocolate cake.

My first prom was definitely amazing, the food was by far my favorite part and by the end of the night I can’t lie, I did have a food baby.

The author's comments:

This was the food I ate at prom at the Domes in Milwaukee. 

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