Love Boat | Teen Ink

Love Boat

December 6, 2022
By reesevasquez BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
reesevasquez BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Remember the Love Boat? Sometimes called the Tunnel of Love they were these dark rides at fairs and carnivals. Apparently, they were created as a way for couples to have private moments together in an era when public displays of affection were still pretty taboo. You never really see the Love Boat nowadays, at least not in its original form. 

Now a Love Boat is a Nissan Altima parked in the lonely parking lot of a once popular mall, where two lovers share their deepest darkest secrets and intimacies with one another as the motor runs. 

A Love Boat is the booth in the back corner of the downtown Dennys, where two lovers share a tall stack at one in the morning in anticipation of the warm bed that awaits them at home after a most memorable night. 

A Love Boat is the bottom three steps of the 200 building stairs, where two friends meet every day for lunch and converse with impressive eye contact, both with hopes of becoming more, at least by the end of the semester. 

A Love Boat is two barstools at a local pub, where two strangers lock eyes for the first time and wonder if what they have been craving all night has finally sat down next to them, and offered to buy them a drink.

And you know sometimes seeing all these boats makes you wonder if anyone else has ever seen your Love Boat and wondered. Or if you’ve ever even had a Love Boat. Or ever will.

The author's comments:

Love Boat is about how everyone has different vehicles of love, whether or not they realize that. That the image of two lovers is not confined to one description or is something to live up to. As well as how beautiful it is to be able to observe love in its most natural form.  

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