My Meaning | Teen Ink

My Meaning

October 11, 2022
By ari_paige GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ari_paige GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Arianna Dougharty comes from the more Irish parts of Europe. Now the Irish culture explains more about personality than my name. But my name in Irish means Scriostóir Naofa or in English, Holy Destroyer. 

Now I admit it when I first heard that I thought of myself as a superhero or someone with a lot of power but the more I dug myself into it I started to think of my name as a sign of progression to positivity.


To be completely honest I was picturing my name to mean something more calming. Like rain or fog, but no, Arianna means holy. Usually people think of being holy to have a more religious background but I'm not too religious. To me holy means to give light or a favorable action. 

In terms of progression the meaning of holy is where I want to eventually end up. I want to end up in a stress free environment where I can thrive and work towards a life goal I hope to achieve. But I have to work my way up there. 


To progress we have to start in a negative environment to then work way up to a positive environment. That's where my last name comes in. My last name means destroyer. When I think of destroyers I think of war, or anything of negativity. But for me, my ¨destroyer¨ is the work that is being put into my everyday life. Such as building healthier habits for me as I grow as an individual, for example keeping a positive attitude, procrastination and listening to others.These examples display the ¨war¨ between bad and good habits. But the only thing that matters is my progression. I like to think of myself as grabbing things from a shelf by using a stepping stool. The higher you climb the stool the more you are able to grab onto opportunities.


Part of me wishes that my name didn't mean that. I kinda wish it meant hero or adventures, but that wouldn't relate to me as much. I relate much more to a progression to success than a hero.I relate to it because that's how I choose to stroll through life. I mean I'm a high school student that has no clue how a lot of things work. But that's okay. It's okay because I will grow. Now, I'm not exactly in my ¨destroyer¨ era, as that series of events happened years ago, but that doesn't mean I have no room to grow to my ¨holy¨ era, because if there's anything that I will always have, it's room to grow.

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