Addison | Teen Ink


October 11, 2022
By Addie1204 BRONZE, Merton, Wisconsin
Addie1204 BRONZE, Merton, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Addison. Addie for short. My name reminds me of waking up on a cold Christmas day, with the sun glinting off the snow and the trees barely visible under the sheets of snow. Smelling of fresh evergreen candles that have been lit. Struggling to wake up after a good night's rest. 

Most of all though it reminds me of Thursdays and the number three. Just somewhat oddly placed and not exactly at the right angle. Typically feel out of place or just not of much significance. Like a heavily overcast day where you are just waiting for something to happen. Like you are on the edge of your seat. A triangle. Oddly shaped, no specific importance. 

My name is not passed down from anyone or anything. I am sure that no one else in my family has as cool of a name as this. That is a joke. I think my name is mediocre. There is not another name I would rather have. It is just sometimes I do not think this one fits my personality. My personality is almost more bubbly and vibrant. Optimistic, hyper, unable to stop talking and not somber and gloomy.


Originally my parents wanted to name their new baby girl Madison. However, at the time we lived in Madison Wisconsin. Meaning, they wanted to keep a clear difference between the capitol of Wisconsin and their daughter. Anyways, after about three years we moved to Hartland from Madison. 


 I feel like I can swing between an Emma or a Grace seeing as though my middle name is Grace. I just feel like those names sound more uplifting and cheery and closer to who I truly feel I am. 

Honestly, I have a love-hate relationship with my name. I love the fact that it is unique and not many others have the same name. However, there are some people that I am not happy to share the name with. Addison Rae. She made some dancing videos on tiktok and now she thinks she’s an A-list celebrity. I have been nicknamed Addison Rae too many times. The name and its unpopularity have given people very few options of celebrities to nickname me after.  

All in all I love my name and its uniqueness even though it doesn't quite fit right. 

The author's comments:

A personal narrative about my personal thoughts towards my name and self. 

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