Falling in love | Teen Ink

Falling in love

September 16, 2022
By Lexi_werk227 BRONZE, Montgomery, Texas
Lexi_werk227 BRONZE, Montgomery, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I fell in love with you. Yes I fell in love. I love everything about you. The way you smile, the way you laugh. You give me butterflies and make me so happy. Falling in love with you is the worst feeling in the world. I wanted things to work with you so bad and I know it’s hard because we live in different countries. You have helped me through so much and you have been there through everything. You where there for all my long nights of mental breakdowns, you where there for all my dark thoughts and me being ready to end everything. You helped me. Nash, you are my best friend and I never knew I was going to fall in love with you. Falling in love with you broke me. I feel like there’s this deep dark hole covering my heart and it’s hard to function right now. Falling in love with you really was my breaking point. I am heart broken and sad. I thought you felt different. You lead me on and played me. It feels like I am shattered into a million pieces. I wish me telling you this wasn’t going to break our friendship, but if that is what’s supposed to happen, it is what it is. And that breaks me even more. 

The author's comments:

I fell in love with my best friend 

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