Greg and Tiara's love gone bad | Teen Ink

Greg and Tiara's love gone bad

October 20, 2021
By Anonymous

At  one point  in  time there  was  a  couple  that  were  together  but  not  healthy  together,  Tiana  and  Greg’s  love  story. Tiana’s  twenty-first  birthday  was  soon  to  come  and  Greg  blew  her  mind with  surprise  after  surprise. You  never  really  know a  person's  true  feelings  or  colors  and  Tiana  found  that  out . Two weeks before Tiana’s  big  party, Greg made a big “mistake “ in  his  words  that would   hurt Tiana mentally  but  she  didn't  find out just yet. It  seemed  as  if  everyone  knew  the  secret  about  Greg  and  Tianas  relationship  but her,  it  wasn' t too  long before she  found  out.

  A  week  before  Tiana’s  big party  everyone  stared  and  stared  at  her  in  school. She  was  the  big  talk. People mugged and gave nasty looks as if they weren't happy  for  her  and  her relationship. Everyone  looked  with  disappointment  and   embarrassment  as  the  couple  walked  down  the  hall  together . Tiana  never  thought  anything  of  it  because  she  was  well  known  around her  highschool . Instagram  was  very  popular  at  the  school  they  went  to,  and  Tiana  started  to  see  many  people  make  subliminal  posts that  were  about  her . Tiana  starts  to  question  the  people  around  her  about  the  situation,  and  everyone  lies  and  acts  as  if   it  was  nothing  shady  going  on  .

Everyone  decided  to  keep  a  secret  from  Tiana . Tiana  felt  like  an OutKast  to  the  whole  school  everyone  would  look at and  laugh  at  her  . The  feeling  of  embarrassment  ate  Tiana  alive . Greg  felt  guilty  because  he  knew  what  he  did  to  her  . Greg  begged  people  to  keep  his  secret .  Even with so  much begging,  his  secret  would  eventually  get  out . The  secret would not be kept because most kids hated Greg’s and Tiana’s relationship. 

The  actual   day   of   Tiana’s   birthday  she  finally  let  go  of  everything  and  stopped  questioning  things  that  happened . The  morning  she  got  up  and  felt  relieved  to  choose  not  to  worry  about  it . Today  would  be a  long  day  for  Tiana . The  day  was  so  busy for  TIana  because  she  was  getting  glammed up  for  her  sixteen  birthday  party. Early  when Tiana  got  up  she  hadn’t  talked  to  Greg  all  day .

 Tiana  started  her  day  by  getting  her  lashes  done. The  lashes  were  long , pretty  and  fluffy . Tiana  went  to  get  her  makeup  done  with  pretty  soft  purple  sparkles  on  her eyelids .The  makeover  wasn’t  done  just  yet . Tiana  went  and  got  her  hair  done . Tiana  got  a lavender  thirty  inch  613  wig  put  in . When  Tiana  was  done  getting   her  lace  front done she  got  her  nails  done . Tiana  got one  of  the most  exclusive  and  extra  mail  sets  ever  . The  whole  day  Tiana  had  not  a  care  in  the  world  , didn’t  worry  about  school , Greg  or  nobody . Tiana  felt  like  the  most  beautiful  girl   in  the  world . 

Now  it  was time  to  set  up  Tiana’s  party . Friends  , family  and  others  came  to  help  set it up . The  ball  room  where  Tiana  had  her  party was  beautiful. Everything  about  Tiana’s  decorations was everything . Everything  was everything . The dress  Tina had on was immaculate  and  literally was so  pretty the sequence  that everything  was perfect  . 

Just  as  everything  was  perfect  and  going great  for  her  everything  continued  to   get messy  . After  a  couple  hours  of  peace  and  energy  always  came  back  to  her . Greg  knew  this  would  happen  but  he  still  decided  to keep  the  secret  . The  most   messy people in the school   had  come  to  ruin  the  party .

Greg was just as surprised with the look on the audience’s face when they heard about what he had done . Tiana’s family was big on trust, loyalty  and honesty  . Greg was totally not honest or loyal to Tiana . Greg messed it up for himself. Everyone despised him after this decision . Greg was looked down on for life . 

Greg’s secret lady came out and told everyone about their secret relationship . Greg cheated on Tiana! The worst part was yet to come . It was all so much for Tiana to take in . Tiana and Greg would be over soon enough . Greg felt horrible he made tiana feel the way she did . 

The   party  was  ruined . Fights  broke  out  at Tiana's  party; it  was  all  a  mess . Tiana's 21  birthday  had  been  ruined  in  just  a  split  second . Tiana  ran  away  crying  in  tears  and  disbelief . This  had  got  to  be the worst birthday in history her parents planned !

The secret was so bad because Greg would plan to marry Tiana soon . Tiana's family were royal so they wouldn’t condone any cheating . Greg hated the mistake he made because he genuinely knew he hurt Tiana and was sorry . Once you do certain things in a relationship it’s hard to come back and Greg realized that . 

Tiana completely moved schools and got away from Greg for causing her this distress . Greg tended to find another girl like Tiara . Tiara was on to new things and doing so much better by herself . Tiana loved the feeling of no one looking down on her or embarrassing her . Life would be so much better leaving the school and stop talking to everyone there so that’s what she did and is living great . 

The author's comments:

thise peice was bassed off something i made up that itttt.

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