My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

October 8, 2021
By merletally BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
merletally BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The name Alyssa has Irish origins meaning noble and graceful. The name Alyssa has been around for a long time. It is the texture of pages to an old book. Fragile and graceful. Alyssa comes from the name of the flower alyssum.  It is the color lavender. Walking in the rain in a lit up street in Italy. It is adventurous and mysterious. 

The name I prefer to be called is Ally. Ally has Greek origins meaning noble and bright. Ally is the color pink. Charming or sweet. Ally is a cumulus cloud in the bright blue sky. Fluffy or lighthearted.  Ally is the texture of a warm, soft knitted blanket. Comforting. Ally is fun, spontaneous. A very light and cheerful name. 

My mom really liked the name Ally but thought it was too informal. One morning my mom was watching a show called Charmed. One of the characters' names was Alyssa. This inspired my mom to name me Alyssa and call me by the original name she liked, Ally.

Most people call me Ally, but maybe when I’m older I will decide I want to go by Alyssa. It's nice to have the option. Since I was little I didn’t like the name Alyssa because another girl in my class had the same name. I wanted to be special. I wanted to know when someone was referring to me. 

As of now when someone asks my name I will tell them Ally. For now Ally fits me. As an adult maybe I will decide it is more fitting to have a more mature name. The name Alyssa has more professional and serious meanings. To me Ally has childlike and fun qualities. The color pink, a fluffy cloud, a warm, soft knitted blanket. I am outgoing, energetic, and friendly. Ally fits my personality. Ally is my name until I decide differently. 

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