My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

October 7, 2021
By hailey-tierney BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
hailey-tierney BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hailey. My name is the sun. A bright, happy, highlighter yellow. The strong rays radiating down and warming the cold. Melting the miserable snow that was there for far too long. My name changes the ugly, dull, grey, slushy winter time. Hailey prevents frozens blocks of ice that fall from the sky, crushing and ruining everything in their way.

Hailey. Just some random name that was created by two parents a month before July 19th, 2005. My parents weren't even 100% sure whether I was a boy or a girl. They never even asked the doctors. My mom just “knew”, which I think is a little bizarre. Maybe it was just meant to be.

I don't know anyone else with the name of Hailey. If they do, they spell it differently. I like that. I guess I’m unique. I don't know anyone with the name “Hally” either , yet everyone wants to pronounce my name like that. That's the downside. Correcting everyone because of not pronouncing a simple “I”. It just sounds wrong without it. 

Maybe I would like my name more if most people pronounce it correctly. But Hailey is me, and only me.  Hailey is my personality, my character. No other name could represent me better. Hailey is the bright yellow sun that is lit up. The thing that changes a cloudy, cold, shady day. The gloomy day that is turned into a warm and bright one where kids can go outside and play while teenagers lay in the sun getting a tan. Hailey is my joyful, uplifting personality that helps one when they are blue. Turning blue into yellow. Making a negative into a positive, rain into shine. Hailey is the feeling one gets during the transition from winter into spring. The happy days where the flowers start to bloom, the air gets warmer, and the sun gets stronger. The happy days that give a sneak peak of summer. 

I like being the happy, positive personality that my name represents. I like being able to melt the snow, prevent freezing ice, and give millions of people a fun and long spring and summer. 

I like being happy. I like being Hailey.

The author's comments:

This piece represents my name and how I view myself through my name. 

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