Country Road: Noah | Teen Ink

Country Road: Noah

October 6, 2021
By Mulv02 BRONZE, Hartford, Wisconsin
Mulv02 BRONZE, Hartford, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Noah is a country road. Some parts bumpy. Some parts smooth. It is the car rocking over the bumps in the road. Cruising on the smooth road. No traffic to get in the way. A rough and smooth ride through the corn stalks and soy beans. 

Green like the leaves on the trees in spring. Regrowing from the harsh winter weather. Sprouting out of the cold, hard ground. Temperature rises. Enough for flowers to start to blossom and begin to grow. 

Thousands of words put together to create one story. My story.

A popular name. I know more people with my name than any other name. Some who study and read the bible. Or have even heard the story of the Ark. Built to hold two of every animal to survive the great flood.

My name originates from Hebrew. Meaning “Rest”. But rest does not describe me well. I am active. I am constantly moving, like a car with no destination. Doing something all the time. Having goals that I want to accomplish and not resting until I have accomplished them. 

My Parents. They don't know why they liked the name so much. Or why it clicked so well. My Dad, Joel. He wanted his kids' names to be Biblical too. Or so he said with a grin when I asked. My sister's name isn’t Biblical—so I knew he was just messing around. 

But once my parents saw my name they knew that it was going to fit me for the rest of my life. And grow into the person I am today. Just like the leaves on the tree in the spring. 

I am the country road. Some parts in my life are rough. Some parts are smooth. Growing as a person from the mistakes of my past. Learning and developing into the person I want to be. 

I am the writer of the words that will create my story. Noah. 

The author's comments:

It describes who I am and where my name comes from. 

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