FRee | Teen Ink


June 3, 2021
By Anonymous

Nassima al-Sada: She lost her freedom so that other women could be free. Now it is our turn to free her. 

Nassima al-Sada is a Shia writer and women's rights activist in Saudi Arabia. She was born in 1974. In 2018 she joined twelve other women who were put in jail for fighting for women's rights. And now, we need to do everything we can to ensure her freedom.

Nassima al-Sada's writing... "pushed for political participation and an end to violence against women in addition to an end to Saudi Arabia's ban on women driving." She also helped relax the "guardianship" rule (a network of regulations on the movements and behaviour of women that required them to seek the permission or accompaniment of a close male relative in matters of work, leisure, finances, law, and health). Unfortunately, she was arrested after this by the Saudi Arabian authorities around late July and early August 2018. The date of her arrest is not precise. 

Before Nassima was imprisoned in 2015, she attempted to run for the municipal office (the place designated by the governing body to receive service applications, accept payments of water bills and where public notices and notices of discontinuance of service are generated and posted, i.e.) But she was disqualified. Why? Simply because she was not a man. After this, she received threats all over social media. 

In jail, she was threatened verbally and tied up during interrogation. Then on the 20th of February of 2019, she was moved to solitary confinement. She stayed here until February of 2020. Nassima al-Sada now goes months without seeing her children or lawyer. She has made two court appearances so far. She was supposed to have a third appearance in March 2020, but she cancelled this appearance due to COVID-19. No rescheduling details have been announced. We cannot be using COVID-19 as an excuse anymore. We have to act NOW!

We talk about changing the world for the better, but we can only do that if we are united. Both men and women. Our world is changing fast. We are trying to make the wrong right. But at this rate, we will keep going in circles, and nothing is going to change. But if we work together, we can solve our world's problems that much faster! There will be more creative minds working together to boost economies. Yes, it may take a long time, but we will eventually get there if we take baby steps. And you can start this change. And with that said, Free Nassima al-Sada.


How can you help?

1. Send a letter asking for Nassima's freedom to the King Salman of Saudi Arabia through: This would be the fastest most effective way to help.

2. Raise awareness. The more people that know about this, the more people can help fight against it.

The author's comments:

My name is Siana, and I have always cared for human rights. When I heard about Nassima al-Sada I was shocked. She had done so much good for the world and she was being locked up for it. There are so many people out there in similar situations to her and I want to do everything I can to help as many people as possible. One person at a time.

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