Jura | Teen Ink


March 22, 2021
By Anonymous

“You don't have to do it.” “I wouldn't race in this.” Ten mins before the race started it’s 45 degrees and rainy. My dad is trying to tell me that it's ok if I don't want to race, but I am not going to let a little rain stop me, Knowing we already paid for the race entry and there are only a few people racing. I tell myself that it will be fun. You don't have to race it… just play it safe as the dirt turns to mud. Finally, making the decision to race, I line up at the start and I hear “10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5…. GO!”. The race starts, and it is perfect. The pristine mud has enough grip to go fast, but I’m still sliding around. Cold and wet but still persevering, I want my name to mean grit and determination—to mean that nothing can stop me. 

My name is Jura, and some might think of the coffee maker or the whiskey, but I think of the mountain range towering between the France and Switzerland border, standing tall—dominating those that get in its way. The real origin of my name, though, is from the band U2. In their song “One Tree Hill,” there is a line that says “Jara sang/ his song a weapon.” When my dad listened to this song, he heard “Jura” and ever since then he has wanted to name one of his kids Jura. Now I am trying my best to live up to my name every day and with everything I do. 

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