Homelessness in the Nativity | Teen Ink

Homelessness in the Nativity

March 15, 2021
By Anonymous

When Mary gave birth to Jesus, she was put in many strenuous, stressful situations. She needed a place to give birth to her child, but nobody would accept her and let her in. This caused Mary to have to give birth to Jesus in a manger surrounded by animals, hay, and other slightly unsanitary things. This way of giving birth was not very safe, but somehow Jesus made it out healthy. When Mary was in need of a place to give birth, people should have had mercy on her and helped her out. Sadly, the issue of dangerous pregnancy/homelessness is still very much alive today. Homelessness is a major issue in America and as Catholics, we need to start looking into solving this issue. There were around 567,715 homeless people in the United States in 2019. People living in poverty experience dangers to their lives everyday. One major danger is for mothers who are pregnant. Not only is the process of birth extremely dangerous without the proper medical equipment, but also the process of being pregnant while homeless is extremely tiring on the mother's mental state. Giving birth while homeless makes women very susceptible to complications while giving birth. This violates the Catholic Social Teaching of “Preferential Option for the Poor and Vulnerable” because as Catholics, we need to step up and help the less fortunate. We are our brother’s keeper and we need to help others as we would like to be helped. As members of the Catholic Church, we need to all stand together to fight issues that affect members of our church family. 

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