Pet Peeve | Teen Ink

Pet Peeve

March 1, 2021
By Anonymous

I smash my mouse as once again the internet decides to stop working right as I enter the game. I scream “F*CK YOU SPECTRUM!!!” whenever I get the slightest bit of lag. In my head I think it’s not Spectrum’s fault.

I wonder how a company with so much money and resources can’t just have a consistent product. Sometimes I even feel like it’s a targeted attack to make me do worse in game when in reality it’s not in their control. Do any internet companies care about anyone? I ask myself this all the time. 

Then when I think about it I remember it’s not just me suffering through the monopoly that these ips have over certain areas. That is what really makes me mad, but they only care about keeping customers and that’s not a problem when they have no competition. 

Spectrum is a moose surrounded by a pack of wolves. Many come at it at once trying to take it down but more often than not aren’t successful and the moose’s size helps it to escape barely scaved. But that’s just business, well that’s what we all tell ourselves but that's not to say many companies don’t actually treat customers right because they have integrity, even though they too are massive. 

I seem to forget that I don’t need to use the internet, I can go outside and be active or spend time with my family. But I know that’s not how I work and I will complain about slow internet until it’s fixed rather than find a way around the problem.

But in the end I just have to remember there are people in this world that don’t have the internet or even clean water. So I remind myself I can live with a sometimes slow internet because at least I am fortunate enough to have it.

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