The Solution to my number 1 Pet Peeve | Teen Ink

The Solution to my number 1 Pet Peeve

February 26, 2021
By Anonymous

I would like to think that I am a pretty relaxed person, but there is one little peeve that annoys me to no end. That peeve is when my parents are driving me and my brother somewhere like out to a restaurant and my brother takes the front seat. Even though this problem is so little and insignificant, it makes my blood boil. The main reason it makes me get really upset is that I am six foot one, and my brother is like five foot nine. He doesn’t need the legroom at all; he can easily fit in the backseat with no problem. 

The main reason I get so angered, frustrated, and overall irritated is because I feel like he just takes the front seat just to try and make me mad—and it works. On top of my frustration with the front seat, my mom tries to calm me down and justify why he gets to sit in the front seat. When she tries to justify the situation on his end it usually makes me even more frustrated. Her usual excuse is, “you got it on the way to the restaurant so he gets the front seat on the way back.” This makes some sense to the point of being fair, but again I feel like he really doesn’t care if he gets the front seat. He just wants to try and irritate me as much as possible, and make me super angry for no reason.

Even though this little problem I have doesn’t really hurt me in any way it is my number one pet peeve. Sometimes, I can’t even understand why I get so mad over the situation. I don’t think anyone else really has this problem so I don’t know why I take it so personally. I think a way to try and solve this number one pet peeve of mine is to go ask my brother if he really wants the front seat or if he’s just trying to make me mad. Maybe just maybe, if I get the answer to that question it would help me feel a little bit better next time that this problem occurs. Especially if I figure out that he genuinely just enjoys the front seat of the car. That solution would help me calm myself down and help me realize that he isn’t taking the front seat to annoy me.

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