Never Give Up | Teen Ink

Never Give Up

February 8, 2021
By Yousef BRONZE, York, Pennsylvania
Yousef BRONZE, York, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Every day we all think about giving up and not caring about school or about anything we don’t like or enjoy but that will get you nothing in life that's why you can't give up but that does not mean you can't fail when you fail you learn which is the most important thing in life. That is why I believe you should never give up, you should learn from your mistakes and sometimes it is okay to fail.

I used to wake up and feel so tired of school feeling like I am going to prison. I would hardly listen in class. I would scarcely do any work during school or outside of school. but that got me nothing in life and that was not going to help my future or help me have a good career. But then one of my friends saw me struggling and he started to encourage me to do good in school and he told me it will help me later on in life. So I took his advice and started doing my school work. I started to get decent grades but then I started to fall off again and started to not care about my grades and they dropped again. I was about to give up on school, I was tired. I was stressed and worried about my grades. But then I remembered my friend who told me to not give up and that you will learn from your mistakes. I eventually started to get my grades up to a decent Place. I started feeling good. The feeling of achieving something great it felt good to do good in school and to learn. 

During this hard time, I was learning so in the future, I do not make the same mistakes of giving up. I started to believe that anyone can be successful. You just can't give up and you have to learn from your mistakes. I am thankful for my friend who taught me to not give up and to stay positive. I think this belief is important for other people to know because it can change you to be a better person and help you have a good future. Remember to never give up even when it gets very hard you will make it through. And remember it's okay to fail but learn from it.

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