Save our world | Teen Ink

Save our world

December 18, 2020
By Anonymous

Picture this, the oceans overflowing and flooding cities near the ocean destroying homes, businesses, and maybe even killing people. That's going to happen if we don’t do our part to slow global warming down. If the earth keeps warming it is going to melt glaciers, overflow our oceans or even ruin so many wildlife homes. 

What is global warming you may ask. It is when the earth's temperature gradually increases the earth's atmosphere. This happens when the heat and radiation that is supposed to be going out of the earth but it is trapped, otherwise called the Greenhouse effect. Those gases are water vapor, nitrous oxide, methane, and carbon dioxide.  

We should all go solar now because sooner or later we will have to because there is no way to recycle coal and gases; they aren’t unlimited. If we reduce the amount of food waste it would reduce the amount of CO2. Cooling and heating are one of the biggest things that use energy. It also takes a lot of energy to treat your water so if we take shorter showers and turn the water off while brushing your teeth it could help.

If we don’t go solar or do our part to help, the sea level will rise and by 2500 it could impact 1 billion people. The changes could change the water temperature causing algae to leave coral reefs turning them white and making them easily get diseases, the glaciers could melt and there would be no glaciers in the ocean, heat waves could happen more often, increase of flood rise because of heavier rainfall and snowfall, and even ruin so many wildlifes because of the heat rising and who knows if they could adapt leaving them vulnerable and then could possibly ruin their home. 

In conclusion we should all try to do our part in saving our world because bad things will happen if we don’t. Even if we do it and other countries don't, the littlest things could help slow the earth warming down. 










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The author's comments:

I wrote this article so I can do my part in helping our world.

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