The Significance of “Prestige” | Teen Ink

The Significance of “Prestige”

November 30, 2020
By ErenUlu BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
ErenUlu BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

     Over time, definitions of words from the English language change significantly from their original meanings. As a community, words start to morph in their meaning, leaving a difference to be noticed. As a result, most definitions of these words become ambiguous and debatable. When analyzing different phrases that have faced this change, the word “prestige” profoundly comes to mind. A term that most connote with wealth, fame, and luxurious lifestyles, the denotation is much deeper and can be used to describe a broader demographic than just the rich and famous.
     In my opinion, the word “prestige” means the respect for someone based on their character and the actions that they have done. It describes, not one’s fame or luxurious life, but their personality and recognition received as a result of their contributions to others and the world. For example, a famous actor or singer is not necessarily prestigious, when examining the true definition of the word. That being said, one who is wealthy or well known can still be prestigious of course. They have a platform to gain prestige, because of their abilities to help others and improve their status through those abilities. Wealth is just not something that automatically gives one prestige. Anyone in the world is able to earn prestige through their positive actions, whether big or small in relation to the world.
     When analyzing the different definitions of “prestige”, it is important to peer back in time to notice the changes. Originally, it is derived from the classical French and Latin languages. The archaic definition of it was related to the words “illusion” and even “magic”. If there was a magician or such in the past, they would have had prestige for sure. Over time, it literally meant “a conjurer’s trick”, which led to a definition of “influence” and “reputation” (many in France used this word to describe Napoleon Bonaparte). Finally, it gained the meaning of “esteemed”, closely resembling the definition of the word today. Just like a game of telephone, the end result may sound nothing like the starting phrase. Prestige used to be a word related to tricks and fun, while today, it is much more of an honor and valuable title to many.
     Continuing, “prestige” can easily be misused. If someone says, “That actor has so much prestige. He’s been in so many good shows and movies”, that someone would be using the word for the wrong purpose. By the evidence given in the sentence, just because someone has been in so many mediums of entertainment does not mean that they have prestige. They need to prove themselves of having the characteristics and personality to be prestigious. Selflessness and modesty at times when you are at your most successful is a great way to earn this valuable characteristic. In this case, you are not boasting your success and, instead, letting others notice it by themselves. So, the speaker should instead say, “That actor has so much prestige. He’s been in so many good shows and movies and has donated a lot of his wealth to charities.” The actor referenced in the sentence is helping others and is a bigger person, as a result. He certainly is prestigious, as he earns the respect of people because of his hard work and good deeds. Another correct use of the word would be if someone says, “The boy in the small town has really gained prestige through dedication to his work and achievements that he has been awarded because of his diligence. He has really done a lot to impact his community positively.” The boy referenced in the sentence gains recognition, not through a glamorous lifestyle, but through the accreditation he is receiving from his hard work and dedication. One does not need to be fortunate to be prestigious, as long as they spread their positive actions, even locally. He goes above and beyond, and that is prestigious enough.
     Through the word “prestige” and the examples of its uses, it is profound, not only how a word can transform and morph over time, but also how the whole English language evolves as different societies and groups blossom. When the French and Latin people used the first forms of “prestige”, they probably did not expect its definition to ever change. Thousands of years later, its meaning is unlike the original. If anything, the words from the English language today might become outdated and develop into new denotations hundreds or thousands of years later. Still, it is important to know current meanings of the words we use so that people can express their thoughts and feelings as accurately as possible. All languages are added on to everyday, and it is truly important to keep up and excel in the knowledge of them. It should not be forgotten to use the words with their true meanings and, with utmost importance, to make each word count!

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