You Should Date a Girl Who Creates Art | Teen Ink

You Should Date a Girl Who Creates Art MAG

November 10, 2020
By celticmusic BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
celticmusic BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Date a girl who creates art. Date a girl who spends hours of her day hunched over a sketchbook, or with a tablet in hand, scrutinizing every detail her hand creates. Date a girl who dedicates her time to turning a piece of her very soul into something physical. You’ll know her when you see her; her hair will be hastily brushed, wild strands floating around her face like a glittering halo. She will have wide, beautiful eyes, constantly watching the world pass her by with an unsullied wonder sweeping through her intense, burning gaze. Her clothes will be comfortable and worn with age — and every so often her hand will trail down to her bag, seeking reassurance from the pages of her sketchbook. She will be watching you, watching everyone; and when you turn to meet her gaze, her face will glow pink with embarrassment and she’ll pretend to be looking somewhere else.

The girl who hides in the back of the class near a window, never quite listening to the teacher, with a faraway look in her eyes — that’s an artist. She’s busy building a world in her mind, picturing what she wants to depict next; and every so often, she’ll jolt back into reality like a startled rabbit, wondering for a moment where she is and what she’s doing.

You can sit down next to her, and she’ll offer an awkward hello. She’ll hastily close her book, unwilling to show her art to someone strange and new. Holding a conversation with her will be difficult, as she’s always thinking beyond the world in front of her. She won’t expect you to stay around — but if you do, she’ll think of you fondly.

Don’t ask her on a date right away. She won’t know how to respond and it might scare her off; be her friend before her partner. You’ll know she likes you back if she gives you a detailed, beautiful sketch on a piece of slightly crumpled printer paper. That paper is a piece of her soul, something she doesn’t give away freely. You’ll know she likes you if she gets excited to talk to you, her face brightening with pale pink excitement as she gushes about her newest project, or a current obsession.

Talk to her about her art and her interests. Get to know the person hidden behind the shy, sweet wallflower; listen to her ramble on for hours, and you’ll have found a new kind of happiness. You might not understand everything she has, but her excitement and joy is contagious — you’ll find yourself smiling, too.

Dating an artist opens you to a new world. She won’t ask for romantic candlelit dinners or anything fancy. She’ll be happy watching a movie or show with you, curled up by your side and excitedly pointing out her favorite things. She’ll be content with walks through the park, and watching the stars. She doesn’t ask for expensive gifts or intricate jewelry. In fact, she’ll treasure something handmade over something bought.

Date a girl who creates art because she’ll show you the art in the world. She’ll show you the beautiful moments you would normally miss, and show you an entirely different world than the one you started in. Date a girl who creates art because she herself is a work of art, and the greatest treasure you may ever find. A girl who creates art will show you that the sky isn’t just blue, that the grass isn’t just green. And even if you split apart, she’ll leave you with a new perspective for you to pass along to the next person.

The author's comments:

A piece written for my creative writing class, using Rosemarie Urquico's "You Should Date A Girl Who Reads" as a foundation.

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