Time Flies | Teen Ink

Time Flies

November 5, 2019
By Anonymous

Walking across my home court for the last time on my senior night, my last home volleyball game in highschool put into perspective how fast highschool has flown. Hearing my name being announced as one of the few seniors; the number dwendling through the years, seeing the elaborate shadow box with one of my many jerseys being displayed, hugging some of my closest friends that I will soon have to part with, tears streaming down my face. I realized how quickly it comes to an end. I thought back to sophomore year, all the seniors on the team adamant that it goes by so fast, I didnt believe them. I thought this year and previous have moved so slow. Time moves slowly by the days but quickly by the years. I remember them telling me to enjoy it while it lasts and I remember thinking, how could I enjoy school? This past year has been the best of my life. Ive grown closer to new found friends, grown apart with others, but I would not change a thing about it. I have learned to be grateful for the time I am given with those that I hold close. Its hard to put my feelings into words, I am excited for the next chapter but scared equally. One of my friends that is a sophomore this year recently asked me, "what is your advice for highschool?" I told her to live in the moment, enjoy the many wonderful things that come with highschool. Make new friends, be open minded. Do all homework and classwork when it is given to you, do not procrastinate. Procrastination kills productivity. Do not stress, enjoy this short time in your life and have fun. Go to the games, dress up with friends for spirit week, participate in clubs and get to know your classmates. You always hear that highschool is the best time in your life, I believe that it is what you make of it. Enjoy every minute because time truly does fly.

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