Bullying Setpiece | Teen Ink

Bullying Setpiece

November 4, 2019
By Anonymous

The little boy would visit his dad, Harold, in prison once a year. It was February 17, 2063. The day his father was arrested. He walked in the prison. It looked sad. The one thing that seemed to never change is prisons. There were guards everywhere. They were led to this room with tons of crying people. They were looking through a glass pane, where they saw another person. Some were mad and some were sad. It was depressing. Everything about it was depressing. The glass was covered in little cracks from people banging on it. The boy saw Harold. He had a very recognizable face. It was all scrunched up and twisted like a dried starfish. The boy and his mother walked over to his. 

            out came a scraggly voice saying, “Hi Tommy, Hi Jenny”

It looked like all of his emotions were washed away from his body. He spoke with a monotone voice and his face was kept still. No emotions.

Then Tommy asked, “how did you get here?”

At that moment Harold’s face went into shock. He went from having no emotions at all to being shocked.

“Oh, I haven’t r-r-really thought of it that much. I guess I can tell you about it, but it’ll have to be really quick

He leaned back in his hard, almost fallen apart chair and began to talk.

Once upon a time, there was a little boy. He was born a little different. He was bullied all throughout his time in school. I remember Josh and his friends. They were the worst. At lunch, they would call me names like gremlin and animal, the names would just keep going on. I mean this stuff I could kind of just ignore but it didn’t stop there. They would take my lunch and make fun of me for eating funny. And I had no one to go to. My parents are were always drunk and they had a really bad addiction to smoking. When I told them about my problems they would drunkenly swear and curse about Josh and his friends but do nothing about it. My school didn’t care. Josh would just make up some excuse and then be let free. Everything was stupid.

Tears started to flow from his eyes. And his voice started to get a little shaky

I-I-I didn’t know what to do. I was stuck. I had nowhere to go. Finally, I went to school one day. I - I got a g-g-gun from a nearby gang and I. I. I 


“You know what it looks my time up. I’ll finish the story next time.”

“No, but that’s what you said last time,” said Tommy

All of a sudden a security guard came and took Harrold away

“NO!!! Don’t take my dad. Daddy!!! I don’t want you to go.”

“Come on Tommy, let’s go”

The author's comments:

In this set piece I will be practicing 3rd person stories within a story and adding detail and emotion. As you will see the main character is talking to his dad through a window in a prison. The thing I like most about the detail and metaphors.

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