Thoughts and Prayers | Teen Ink

Thoughts and Prayers

October 29, 2019
By Anonymous

Standing in the blazing sun in 90 degree weather was all going to be worth it when Jason Aldean, Sam Hunt and Eric Church hit the stage. My mom had been taking me to the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival since I was able to walk. Memories of sitting on my mom's shoulders to be able to see above the giant crowd flood back as we walk through the entrance.It was what we looked forward to every year to be able to spend quality mother daughter time. Waving our hands in the air as “Dirt Road” plays, screaming at the top of our lungs not caring if we have a voice in the morning and turning to my mom as her arms wrapped around my shoulder with the biggest smile on her face. “BANG-BANG-BANG”. My ears were ringing as the awful noise echoed. All I could see was the shadow of bodies racing to the exit, parents throwing their bodies over their kids for safety and the fear in everyone's eyes as they hear the ricochetting of the massacre off the stage. It did not register in my head what was going on until my mom grabbed my arm and yelled at me with all the color drained out of her face staring into my soul through her eyes “Run!”. Adrenaline was rushing through my body as I ran faster than my legs could hold me. I turned to make sure my mom was still behind me but there she was lying on the grass holding her neck. “ Run honey save yourself,'' she told me using her last breaths to save my life. I knew I had just joined a club, a club i never wanted to be apart of, a survivor. I knew what had happened, it's happening everyday but I knew all that would be said was “Thoughts and Prayers.”

The author's comments:

This peice is written about the tradegy that took place in Las Vegas at the Route 91 Harvest Festival. 

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